
How To Start Online Business From Home : Step By Step

Do you believe if I said anyone can start a new business from scratch just using an online platform? Well, nothing is impossible in this digital era. Many independent successful businessmen out there managed to create their businesses with the aid of  digital platforms. 


Online businesses are considered cost savings, flexible, convenient and have a wider customer base. Today’s article is specifically talking about 6 main steps involved to successfully start a business from scratch. 

1. Choose a product or service that we want to sell

This is the most crucial step when coming to starting a business. It is safer to choose consumer-friendly products that are easy to sell rather than something which is not applicable or popular among online users. Apart from products, entrepreneurs can sell services too. Services are a much safer option for newbies in the business world since they are less risky, cheaper and easy to control the quantity and quality.


Those who never have experience in business can try to start their journey with dropshipping or become an agent for any company. Nowadays, dropshipping is very popular among online users and anyone can get experience in sales and marketing through it. There are free dropship and paid as well. Other than that, many companies hire sales agents and provide relevant training for them to sell products. These jobs will provide relevant experience and skills to start a business.


Furthermore, new entrepreneurs can also use services from OEM companies to manufacture their products. These companies will produce clients’ products with the required quality and quantity. In addition to that, OEM companies have Halal, KKM and GMP certifications. Thus, it will save our time and money to get the accreditation of the relevant certifications for our business. The necessary agreement is required if the entrepreneurs wish to use their services.

2. Do your research and get some references

It’s always good to do some research and get some references for related businesses before building an online store. Entrepreneurs can find any relevant shop or business on the FB page or google platform. Try to observe their logo, tagline, business name, contents and how they attract consumers. All these elements are essential and can be applied when creating our online store

3. Build an online store

The next crucial step is to open an online store. Entrepreneurs have to come up with a unique business name, logo, catchy tagline and colour that represents the corporate image. Normally logo reflects our target market. For instance, if the target market is female and the product is cosmetics, then the logo should be something that can be related to femininity. As for the business name, try to come up with a unique name and advisable to use 2 to 3 syllables. 


It’s important to have a structured, clear SOP for the ordering and payment process for the customer. We can share contact details like Whatsapp numbers and account numbers on a social media platform for the customer to reach us for ordering and payment purposes.

4. Marketing

Marketing is the next important step after building an online store. It’s important to let everyone knows about the new business. For the initial stage, we can share about the business to all close connections, friends and family on social media platforms like FB and Whatsapp. Advisable to post related content every 2 to 3 times per week

5. Advertise your business

Entrepreneurs can advertise their business on various social media and e-commerce platforms. They are encouraged to create their own FB Page for business and register for Google My Business to ease the customers finding information related to the business. Apart from that, currently, we do have a platform like, and Facebook Marketplace where entrepreneurs can advertise their business as well. Or they also can learn how to create a blog to advertise their business. Share all the information about the business like pictures, videos and other suitable related content. Make sure the picture or video content shared on any platform are clear and have good clarity. All of these suggested methods are free of charge and it’s a loss if they don’t take advantage of the opportunities available to further introduce their business.


Besides, entrepreneurs can also use paid advertising services like Google Ads and FB Ads to make their business known to larger audiences. It is recommended to come up with a simple advertisement with a picture or video. Explain your business and make it complete and concise with all the product information. It’s only required RM 5- 10 to run FB Ads per day to attract more customers. Also, it’s quite essential to study and identify the right target market to prevent the wastage of money and other resources. Because not everyone going to purchase your products and hence, advertising to the right target market can increase the potential of getting more customers and sales as well. Keep the ad as a business billboard in the online marketplace.

6. Give offers and free products/ services

Last but not least is to provide pricing offers to customers. Business owners need to attract customers to try their products. Thus, they can offer discounts or free services/ products for a few firstcomers. Such effort will encourage the customers to try new products and slowly build their trust in the brand. By then, the entrepreneurs can share testimonies and feedback from these customers on their social media platforms as proof of customer satisfaction.


To sum up, these are the 6 most important steps that anyone can apply to establish a new business from scratch using the online platform. With the current economic situation, the benefits of online business cannot be ignored. Let us do not waste any time, and further leverage business using the opportunity offered by the internet. 

Perkongsian Idea, Quote Motivasi , Info Kelas-kelas online, Tips, Strategi & Peluang Pemasaran untuk bantu anda menjalankan Bisnes Online dari rumah.👇😊

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